
MACKENZIE’S HOPE sends siblings of children with cancer to Muskoka Woods summer camp.


Twelve years ago, Mackenzie Masson, a long-time Muskoka Woods camper, lost her battle with cancer at 12 years of age on October 16, 2012. Mackenzie’s Hope, in partnership with Muskoka Woods Youth Foundation, honours her vision to help heal the hurting, and celebrates her compassion for her brother Jamie and their mutual love of camp.


Since the summer of 2013, Mackenzie’s Hope has been sending siblings of children with cancer, and other children touched by cancer to Muskoka Woods for a summer camp experience they will never forget. Watch inspiring videos, read heart-felt parent & recipient testimonials, and discover more about the Mackenzie’s Hope story and how you can help send more kids to camp.


DONATE Mackenzie's Hope TODAY




Hi Mackenzie’s Hope friends,

It’s hard to believe it’s been 12 Years since Mackenzie left us, but her impact continues through Mackenzie‘s Hope – thanks to your generosity. Please consider today how you can give children the gift of camp at Muskoka Woods through Mackenzie’s Hope.

It’s a gift that lives on long beyond a week of camp.  It’s something kids get to hope for throughout the year; when so much of their reality is hard to process. It’s an opportunity for them to step outside of difficult circumstances, to grow in confidence, and try new things in a safe place. They experience all the beauty and majesty of the Great Outdoors and discover new things about themselves. 

For one week…they can just be a kid. No one knows their story or family challenges; it’s their story to share.    It’s a chance for kids to be kids again: To just laugh, play, and have fun until Lights Out! Then do it all over again the next day.  These memories of fun and friendship last a lifetime…and inform their choices and character during formative years. Not to mention the gift of camp can be for the parents who can get a much needed rest; and not have to worry about their little one.

Summer camp really can be life changing for kids, and families in so many ways.  And how much more for siblings of children with cancer?  Your generosity really can make a difference. Thank you for your support. Click the link below and donate today.

DONATE Mackenzie's Hope TODAY




































“Thank you for CREATING THESE MEMORIES in my children’s lives…”




“Thank you for giving my children the opportunity to attend MUSKOKA WOODS.  As the weeks of summer passed, the ANTICIPATION GREW. The endless chatter of the activities they were going to do, the friends they were going to meet, what counsellor they would have, which cabin they would be in; SUCH EXCITEMENT!!!  And as before, they were not let down. The hours on the way home listening to the STORIES OF FUN, PLAY, GAMES, ACTIVITIES, and FRIENDS they had made from all over….


Thank you for CREATING THESE MEMORIES in my children’s lives, and sharing their stories with other children that have come FACE TO FACE WITH CANCER. In the MIDDLE OF A STORM we must have HOPE of another day, another SMILE, another RAINBOW. With heartfelt love and blessings, we thank you.”

-Zachara Beemer






“It’s hard to know how to begin to say thank you for the week you gave our boys at MUSKOKA WOODS. Our family has had A DIFFICULT YEAR since our six-year-old son Sam was DIAGNOSED WITH LEUKEMIA and it’s fair to say that the SILENT SUFFERERS among us are Sam’s older brothers Luke and Jake. They have been UNBELIEVABLY UNDERSTANDING of the time and energy that now gets directed to their brother as he goes through his treatment. They don’t complain, but I know (more…)



 Have a third-party fundraising idea? Questions about Mackenzie’s Hope?

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